This week I was reading various articles on the net about the benefits of having a good cry. I have always thought that there was something healthy about a good cry- you feel better when all that stuff is not locked up inside, don't you? I do. it's like the tears have washed away that which weighed so heavily. is an article y Dr. Keven Keough. While I don't know him, I thought the article sounded sensible. He says that studies show strong and consistent evidence that crying is linked to significant health benefits. Stress hormones cause damage to virtually all bodily systems- we all realize that. Stress, in fact damages the very parts o the brain that are designed to reduce our stress. Tears contain stress hormones- it is a way for our bodies to shed these toxic hormones in a natural and effective way.
I feel better, knowing that the cry that often makes me feel like my problems are not so stressful is actually helping me to cope with the stress of modern life in an ancient, natural and effective way. So let your tears flow and know you are helping yourself to be healthy!