Bet you thought I gave up. Goodness knows I have started and abandonded so many blogs over the years, I may be responsible for half the unused clutter worldwide. Hope springs eternal, I am still writing this one.
I have been busy campaigning to save my children's school, North Carolina School for the Deaf. Long story short, the VERY people who are supposed to nurture and guide the school have for the last ten years been running roughshod over it. Firing teachers and hiring fake administrators, cutting the budget and padding their own budget etc.
The short story is that the Senate appropriations bill is in our favor, and the NC Senate passed it. The House looks like it will be a stronger fight and boy I am weary. I have the greatest support in the world but none from current parents- I email them and beg them and no one ever responds which is so frustrating. Today I feel like giving up. But I can't because the simple truth is that I am doing something that NEEDS doing. My kids need that school, and so do other Deaf kids. So I will slog on, hating the politics, hating the emails, letter writing, visitng Raleigh and general ass kissing involved in persuading very powerful people to do what is right for people with almost no political power at all. And when it is done, I am going to take a long vaation from the whole mess.
Or that is the plan anyway. I know there will always be something that needs doing.
And I will be there. That is what parents do.