I realized my last post was titled Poopets instead of poppets... not a soul said anything so I am assuming I am blogging to myself at this point, but I fixed it anyway. I am not sure who to invite to view my blog- who crochets?
I do.
Still working on the 6 sided squares- I have 24 done, the afghan calls for about 50 more. Since i have used up most of the variegated yarn in the whole house, I had to start a new project for the leftover yarn- seriously. Eilish wanted handwarmers made from variegated blue, so I am making those now. I also have spring cleaned my craft area on the porch, and collected any stray yarn from out there. This afternoon I have some paperwork to attend to, then I will start working on my library space, and tomorrow it is the bathroom, starting with the CLOSET of DOOM lol.
This morning is just for me, cause I deserve it. I am going to visit a friend, take a walk and enjoy the company with a cup of coffee and some good conversation. Call it a mental health break!
I was thinking that I need to set a schedule for myself- this is the time of year when I should be able to finish all my projects, and get some stock ready for fall- I think I will take the plunge and commit myself-- to trying at least one craft fair. So far all the craft fair sales I have had have been from a friend who puts my stuff on her table, which is WONDERFUL but I suspect that I need to be at the craft fair too, and hear what folks SAY so I can know what directions to careen off into next.
When the handwarmers are done, i have some kids hats to make, and I need to find the Princess Leia yarn, and then I am going to just go to the store and buy yarn in random fun colors to make up some hats for stock- so if you have any hints or suggestions throw em over. Keeping in mind however that I tend to make hats that are not the typical- the Zombie hats are on the table, and Ankh hat, and Moon hat- the poppets and can cozies and butterflies will all be there too. I REALLY enjoyed making the monkey hat, I was thinking of trying a few more, different animals- frog, cow, etc. ALL ideas will be taken in, fed and entertained....