Remember those butterflies I was making with the pattern from Katy Griffis? Well here they are in a mobile! I made a set of butterflies in purple and white for a birthday party we went to today. The butterflies are FUN and i love watching them float around each other. For the circle, I got the metal ones Michael's sells in the leather working department- I think they are for dream catchers.
These butterflies are good for other things also- I have some made from winter colors to sell as tree ornaments. I was thinking of putting them on big barrettes or hair bands. And of course I put one on a hat too! After I finish the hat I am working on, I will try to make a few bags to sell with recycled bags, and I am toying with adding a butterfly to one of those....

I have not posted these anywhere for sale yet, but I do have one mobile for sale, the butterflies are variations made with rainbow colored variegated yarn, with a variegated circle top. I was thinking to offer them for $20

These photos look a lot tinier then I thought. I should probably upload a single butterfly to see also....

This single butterfly is from the first mobile i made, which is a special gift for a special girl ^__^
The yarns in her mobile were given to me by her great-grandma! how cool is that?