Ok yesterday we had a thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's that couldn't be beat and then came home for a quiet, relaxing evening, since we knew David had to work today. Alas this was not to be. the girls decided to make Macaroni and Cheese, and somehow in the process of pouring out the water, Eilish got scalded on her left hand and side. She did not cry out, just came to me showing me the already blistering hand. We put it on ice immediately and decided she needed a slightly higher level of medical care then we could provide at home. She was not dying, but in a great deal of pain, and the blistering and swelling were more then I felt comfortable just putting neosporin on. There isn't a bandage in the closet big enough for your whole hand either. That decided, we bundled said child and her hand, still on ice, into the car and drove to the local ER. Let me tell you now- you DO NOT want to go to an ER on a major holiday. The room was full full full of misery. I do not know the stories of the people who surrounded us, but I am sure they were as varied as can be. There were vomiting people which sort of scared me, and asthematic babies, and the families of those transported by ambulances. There was a man silently holding a gauze pad to his arm. All these groups and us, a mom, big sister and a 12 year old quietly writhing in her chair, while more and more blisters appeared on her hand.
WE spent hours there, and came home with a child on heavy drugs, her hand and side wrapped in gauze and a list of instructions for today.
So why the title of this blog?
When we left there was a lift in our step, and hope in our hearts. Eilish came home with us and did not need to stay in the hospital. She did not need surgery, or invasive tests. Her illness is not a lifelong affliction. She will surely remember this, and the effect might be visible for a long time, but she will recover. It also gave me a chance to again admire this child- the quiet one. She is here everyday, a part of our family and yet somehow she manages to NOT be the focus of attention very often, with her lively grey eyes, and giant heart. She leaves the spotlight to others, and continues on her way for the most part a happy carefree child. There is a warrior's heart there, brave and strong as well as warm and loving. I am so proud that she is my daughter, and I can't wait to see the lovely young woman she will become.
Hear hear - they're all cool kids, and a lot to be thankful for. Holler if you want some aloe plants!