Go check it out!
Saw this sign the other day and it got me to pondering all the strange signage we see every day- I am going to try and carry my camera more and capture a few more of these. Good for a giggle and who does not need a giggle? At the moment, giggling and apples (one a day is a doctor repellent you know) constitutes my heath plan. So I want to say thanks to the Government for trying to get me some health care, hope it arrives before I desperately need it and all. OK, so I probably desperately need it now and don't know it, but ignorance is bliss- no?
This week, I have been contemplating the Palin train wreck. Why oh WHY do people think they are impressed by that stupid woman? There is no doubt she is stupid, but somehow folks think THAT IS OK...
::big breath::
WHY would be want someone who is stupid to be president? Why would we want just a 'regular guy' type to be president? Our ancestors chose carefully, in the hopes that they were picking the best and brightest of the age- Washington, Jefferson, Kennedy- men with vision, education, eloquence. When did STUPIDITY become something to brag about? When the President is meeting with other countries, don't we want to show them that we are NOT all the "Stupid American Tourist" type? Don't we want someone who can be depended on to pronounce large words correctly AND be able to use them in a sentence? Someone with their own ideas and concepts who does not get "misquoted" or "misunderstood" a thousand times over? Someone who had visions for the future and not a history of failure? The president should be an example of the best and brightest of us, a man or woman who is able to talk about many subject with confidence. Who knows the history of our land, and how our current laws evolved. Who does not allow religion to govern their governance. Who can meet with other world leaders and not make us cringe and send emails to friends abroad in apology. The world is a small place. If we as a nation decide to glorify the mundane, the moderately ok, nothing to aspire for- is it any reason our children (who are taught to fill in blanks, vs think outside the box, but that is another rant entirely) are slipping further and further down the list of educated nations? Why BE someone who matches a high potential when any Sarah,Dick or Harry can be president? Stupidity ion a comedian is, well, amusing. The President should not be amusing- it is a serious, dignified and weighty job. I for one and relieved to have a current President who takes the job seriously.