On Saturday morning, I look forward to some alone time, before the kids come down stairs, to regroup for the week and prioritize. That didn't happen this week and I will admit it has made me feel kinda whiney. PAddy and I had an agreement that should he stay upatairs and rest longer, he could stay up later tonight and when tonight rolls around, he will feel kinda whiney too. Oh well thems the breaks.
I raked the leaves off the patht to creek, mostly so the Widows would not try to set up shop directly where we wander. The forest being their natural home, I fell lilke a better neighbor, giving them a heads up- big gauwmy things are going to walk here, best try the next tree over for your lovely web, tyvm. She is a lovely thing isn't she? All shiney and black with the red hourglass reminding us that time is precious. Still, I would rather not have her on my foot.
I think the kids have outgrown the sandbox- they have broken all the toys in it, and it is time to take the boards up and use them for something else. Fun while it lasted, but a pain to mow around. Last summer the ant lions build huge craters int here and it was more fun to watch them then to play in sand really.
The daffoldils are up, and almost ready to bloom. I look forward to that every year.
And Pix and I had a nice walk about the yard. She is not convinced about outside being anything more then a needed bathroom, but maybe a walk now and then will warm her up to the idea. She sat on the porch with me, rocking in the swing and growling like a lil teensy gargoyle at passing larger things, lol having Momma's knee to hide behind is a great source of bravery. Spring makes all our troubles seem lighter somehow which is a grand thing! The taxes on our house are paid, and I can stop worrying about that and admit I was scared to death at the possibility of not making that payment. A true gift, that was and one I will not forget.
Like the flowers and buds, I too am beginning to feel the possiblity of growth and unfurl in the warming spring air...
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