My friend Snooze posted something about mice and it made me think about my favorite flower- the Dandilion. I tried to post a comment on her blog but for some reason my computer refused to comply with my wishes so I decided to write here.
Dandilions are the most amazing flower- they can live in the wild, in conditions that scorch garden blossoms. You can find them bursting up through the concrete in cities, the relentless cheerful yellow flowers easily identified by any toddler. And they are FUN- I still love blowing the seeds off a dandilion and watching them float away to find another spot to be for a while. Dandilions are beautiful. If they were a hot house plants, we would plant them in every garden and marvel at the unique lovliness that is the dandilion. Instead, they refuse to allow us that control and break free, growing wherever they want at every turn. Once, long ago- I wrote a poem about my favorite flower...
Your flower is a burst of sunshine
Children make wishes with your puffs of white.
If you were rare,
our gardens would welcome you,
And coax you to bloom.
We harvest your leaves, use your roots
to eat, make herbals, make wine,
call you Leontodon-tooth of the lion.
You are relentlessly yellow-bright
People try to tame you,
try to control your growth,
But your seeds fly free
You resist the manipulation of humankind,
Refuse to be tamed, but grow free in every part of the world.
City dweller, you grow up through cracks in the concrete.
Your cheerful flowers drench fields in yellow.
We call you a weed,until we know better.
You are a survivor
tough, adaptable, determined,
a healing herb with attitude to spare.
Cool post - and that's a great pic of your big girl with a fluff on her nose! Mice and dandelions have a good bit in common. They get counted as pests, but so many things would be screwed up without them. I personally think grass is way overrated; I'd rather have salad in the yard.